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Rob Sears


Rocket scientist. Computer hacker. Geek before it was cool.

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Pages tagged with 'linux'

Getting a local-only RTSP feed with Wyze Cam V2 and IPTables

I finally got RTSP running on a Wyze Cam V2, and then whipped up some IPTables rules in my router to keep the video streams in the local network.
tagged linux

Become Ungovernable: Using Dropbox to Manage DNS

What's the German word for when you build a new thing without realizing that it's already a solved problem and you're just reinventing the wheel? Because I just discovered that I've been (ab)using Dropbox to implement DDNS, which is already a solved problem.
tagged linux

Reverse Proxy with NGINX and EC2

This week I got to experiment with setting up a reverse proxy on EC2 using NGINX, and it was a ton of fun. I'm so used to tools that suffer from scope creep and are a pain in the ass to set up and configure properly, and I fully expected this to be an exercise is insanity. But no! It was awesome, and I write about it.
tagged linux

Hardening your Linux machine with

A few weeks ago, I wrote about using a dictionary attack to crack a virtual Linux box. In that post, I mentioned using to harden your system against this type of attack. In this post, I'm going to elaborate on that a bit by showing how to do this, and talk about why a sysadmin would want to do so.
tagged linux security

Pwning a Linux box for fun and profit

I've spent the last few weeks participating in the SecureSet War Games Denver, and it's been a lot of fun. The sessions are a mix of security lectures and hands on activities, with a few CTF type events thrown in there. We recently did a CTF game for gaining root access on a remote Linux VM, where we would need to identify and exploit weaknesses in the system as fast as possible. The winner would get a Sphero Ollie.
tagged linux hacking security

Fun with Logstash and systemd

After spending some time slogging through journald logs, I cursed the gods of syslogs and said "There's GOT to be a better way!" In this post, I explore using a local ELK stack to parse, store and analyze my system event logs.
tagged linux elasticsearch logstash kibana

SSH configs to piss off the NSA

In this post, I'll talk about some ways to ensure your SSH sessions stay private.
tagged linux security

Sharing PGP identities across devices

Concluding this set of posts on PGP, I'm going to talk about some safe ways to share a PGP identity between a desktop and a laptop.
tagged linux security pgp

Questions to ask before setting up PGP

In keeping with the theme of the past few weeks, I'm going to cover some questions you should ask yourself before creating a PGP identity
tagged linux security pgp gpg

Secure PGP primer

The OpenPGP standard allows people to sign, encrypt and decrypt files, directories, messages, etc. In this post, we'll look at what PGP is, how it's used, and some guidelines for setting it up securely.
tagged linux security pgp

Arch Linux: First impressions

It’s a new year, and I think it’s time for a new OS. Ubuntu has been great for the past few years, and it really ease...
tagged linux computers hacking